When you have the pleasure to meet a lot of people, as you do as a musician, you often talk about starting different projects. Could be a new band or a recording or just a concert. Because of lack of time or different circumstances it’s not always happening… Dan Johanssons and my band started as an idea in a bar after a gig, and this time it happened! I’m very very happy that from that discussion we now have a touring band!! It’s a great pleasure to plan new projects and gigs, and to play together with Dan, and it’s an honour to have Palle Danielsson, Torbjörn Gulz and Fredrik Rundqvist in the band!
We’ve played together for a bit more than a year now, and we did concerts from Skellefteå in north to Kalmar in south. After this year it was time to record an Album! Two weeks ago we gathered in Soundtrade Studio in Solna and recorded. There is a lot of work util we have the actual album in our hand, but we looking forward for a release this autumn. Keep your eyes open for concerts near you!

Photo: Lasse Swärd
Until the release of the new album, you can listen to a couple of songs from our concert at Jazzclub Fasching last year: