It is amazing to be part of a jazz band! You listen, and you hear individual voices around you. You listen and you hear new things every time you play. Even every time you play the same song. When the musicians listen, hear and react, there will be music!
As I wrote before, I love Big Bands. It’s an amazing sound in the middle of the band, and you have to listen even more carefully, and then add your own sound and voice.
I’m very happy to be part of the new Big Band Elaria Orchestra! You hear all those sounds, and hear all players when they form the sounds never created before. From musicians that never played together before, and from music that never been played before. Amazing!!
The band is started by saxophone player Lina Lövstrand and composer and arranger Erika Hammarberg, and we will play mostly Erikas music.
I’m looking forward to hear and to be part of the sounds this band will create in the future!
We start with a concert at Jazz Club Fasching 19th of November. This time together with Magnus Lindgren!!