After a very nice summer, it’s time for new concerts and projects during autumn!
During the summer I’ve done a lot of great concerts. Concerts in small places on the countryside, and gigs on festivals together with Håkan Broströms New Places Orchestra, and I played with Mats Holmqvist Stora Stygga celebrating Polar Prize Winner Wayne Shorter at Fasching in Stockholm, and so on!
To make it happen, I have to tell someone about it, but still in my head I plan for some projects abroad with musicians I met earlier… And me and Anna Greta will do some new stuff with our quartet. Please listen to our band! Just click at “projects” and you can hear us! It will all happen!
And we’ve set up a tour with Dan Johanssons and my band! We go tomorrow for the first concert in Vänersborg, and continue to Kalmar. Please click at “live” and you can see where you can hear us. It will be a great pleasure to let the music grow by playing togheter on this tour! As I wrote before, the musicians in this band is my idols… They have inspired, and continue to inspire me with their great playing! I’m Super Happy!